Bianchello Del Metauro Borgo Torre Morelli 2023
The company located in the hills on sandy tufaceous soil consists of about 22 hectares. In the DOC area are grown grapes of Bianchello del Metauro and Sangiovese and also the vines Montepulciano, Cabernet, and Vernaccia Rossa in six distinct vineyards located in the hills overlooking the valley of the river Metauro. In order to obtain the best organoleptic result from the Bianchello grapes, the company recently introduced an innovative processing system defined as "reduction", which consists in avoiding the contact of the must, just obtained, with the air. This result is obtained by sprinkling the grapes with liquid carbon dioxide in the form of dry ice. The process ends with the maceration of the skins in the juice at low temperatures from 5 to 12 hours, after which, the juice is sent to the fermentation tanks. The red grapes instead are processed in a traditional way diversifying fermentation temperatures, more or less long maceration times and refinements in steel or in barriques according to the type of wine to be obtained. The annual production is about 110,000 bottles
L'azienda agraria situata in collina su terreno tufaceo sabbioso è costituita da 20 ettari di vigneto e circa 500 ulivi. Moderne attrezzature tecnologiche sono utilizzate per la spremitura soffice delle bucce, il controllo della temperatura di fermetazione, la decantazione statica dei mosti. Particolari attenzioni vengono riservate ai vini nella fase di agffinamento: i rossi sono fatti maturare in piccole botti, i bianchi vengono commercializzati entro l'anno per esaltare la loro freschezza e fruttuosità. La produzione annua è di circa 110.000 bottiglie
Winery products