‘We see the hidden potential in what others consider waste. Once upon a time there was grappa: a poor distillate, son of that ancient peasant wisdom of not throwing anything away. An idea of balance and respect that is both a legacy of the past and the secret of the future; an intuition that has always made circularity a banner. The marc, for us, is not just a by-product of wine production: it is the heart of grappa. It is what makes it unique.’
"For us, ageing is not a bad word. We wait patiently, for years, for time to bring us its priceless gift: the rare value of experience. We believe in lifelong friendships, lifelong loves, vintage films. We know that a young grappa is a concert of fragrances, but an aged grappa is a symphony. We are a historic distillery, which for over 70 years has been committed, in harmony with the land and following family tradition, to distilling a quality artisanal product with patience and knowledge.
Ancient craftsmanship, modern safety. Distillation is an ancient process whose roots are lost in the time of the Greeks and Egyptians. Terms of Latin and Arabic origin mingle in this art originally practised by alchemists and monks, an art with an arcane and magical flavour. Today, the ancient care and love is complemented by a sharp, modern precision: each step of the distillation process is controlled by state-of-the-art gauges, as well as by the human eye. In addition, we carefully select our pomace suppliers from among the best winemakers: only in this way can we guarantee total safety and quality in every single step."